BribeUShop featured on LA REPUBBLICA
It's not every day that a small family-run brand like BribeUShop is featured in an iconic newspaper like LA REPUBBLICA, but that's exactly what happened this September 25th!
Among all the trials and challenges of recent months and the pandemic, reading about our shop on those famous pages has certainly made us smile and proud!

The article was in the "Special GREEN" section in the edition on Saturday 25 September and for 15 days for online subscribers - here's what La Repubblica said about us:
"A single goal currently brings together the intentions of millions of people around the world: to create a greener future while safeguarding the environment. If each of us would take on the responsibility of changing our habits for a common purpose, which is to safeguard the environment, with eco-friendly choices, we will certainly guarantee the planet and future generations a better perspective of life. From this awareness starts the idea of Fulvio Cattaneo who, together with his partner, has chosen to create BribeUShop, a specialized online store in the sale of bamboo products. "
Link for the complete article on the La Repubblica website
BribeUShop wants to build a society of optimistic people. People who share similar values and interests and inspire each other to find alternatives for products and materials that harm this beautiful planet!